Walnuts and heart health
In light of the (Covid 19) pandemic, health is at the top of the world's attention today, and when it comes to health, it is important to take care of the entire body
Heart diseases were the leading cause of death among people, and the issue of caring for the heart is still important during the Corona pandemic
Diet is an important factor in controlling heart disease, and walnuts, along with other foods, are smart choices that provide heart-healthy fats.
Walnuts have long been known as a heart-healthy food, and with decades of scientific research showing that eating walnuts positively affects various factors related to heart health, cholesterol, blood pressure, inflammation, and blood vessel function, scientists are discovering new information that changes what we know about heart health.
Also .. another recent study published in the same journal (Journal of the American College of Cardiology) for the year 2020 AD revealed the relationship between regular consumption of walnuts and the anti-inflammatory effect, those inflammations caused by factors of malnutrition, obesity, stress and high blood pressure, which is a factor associated with the risk of disease the heart
Another study published in 2020 in the journal (BMJ Open Heart) analyzed the effect of the traditional Mediterranean diet, the green Mediterranean diet, and the healthy diet in the United States on harmful cholesterol, weight, and insulin resistance. In comparison, the traditional Mediterranean diet contained 28 grams per day of Walnuts, the green Mediterranean diet also contained 3 to 4 cups of green tea per day, 100 grams of mankai cubes, Alofia globosa plant.
Thus, walnuts are a staple of both the Mediterranean diet and the traditional Mediterranean diet, which place fruits, vegetables, grains, olive oil, nuts and seeds at the top of the plate at meals.
With these findings in mind, there are many ways to support heart health — starting with something as simple as grocery and grocery shopping choices.
Here are smart shopping tips for heart health during the coronavirus pandemic
First: Read the nutritional facts labels on different food products, even those foods that you think are a good option. When you have more than one choice, compare the values between them and look for food products that have the heart check mark issued by the American Heart Association ... There are more Out of 1,000 products that own this brand
Second: Focus on good fats. Replace saturated fats, which are found in animal foods such as butter, cream, and meat, with monounsaturated fats, which are found in nuts, fish, and avocados. Try avocado instead of mayonnaise on sandwiches, and replace potato chips or pretzels with walnuts as a snack
Third: Choose foods that contain lower levels of sodium and prepare your food with little or no rock salt
Fourth: Stock up on shelf-stable foods rich in nutritional benefits. If you have to stay at home for an extended period of time, make sure to feed your family with nutrient-dense foods. One ounce of walnuts provides nutrients important for optimal health including 4g of protein, 2g of fiber and a good source of magnesium 45mg
Fifth: Prioritize fruits and vegetables and look for fresh produce when it is in season
In conclusion: one of the best ways to store walnuts is to put them in a sealed container in the refrigerator, but if you do not want to consume walnuts for a month or more, it is better to store them in the freezer.
Clinical Nutritionist
Saja Bukhari